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Recent Publications
Journal publications
- K. Arkil, J. Moger, A. J.MacDonald, C. P. Winlove.
The Mechanics of Collecting Lymphatic Vessels
International Journal of experimental Pathology. 91, 6, A35. 2010.
- E. Hendry, P.J. Hale, J. Moger, S.A. Mikhailov, A.K. Savchenko.
The Coherent Nonlinear Response of Graphene
Physical Review Letters.105, 9, 097401. 2010.
- K. Arkil, J. Moger, C. P. Winlove.
The Structure and Mechanical Properties of Collecting Lymphatic
Vessels: An Investigation using Multimodal Nonlinear Microscopy
Journal of Anatomy. 216, 547-555. 2010.
- T. Galloway, C. Lewis, I. Dolciotti, J. Moger, B. Johnston, F. Regoli
Sublethal Toxicity of nano-Titanium Dioxide and Carbon Nanotubes in a Sediment Dwelling
Marine Polychaete
Environmental Pollution. 158, 5, 1748-1755. 2010.
- C. S. Kamma-Lorger, C. Boote, S. Hayes, M. Burghammer,
C. Knupp, J. Moger, A. J. Quantock, T. Sorensen, N. White, R. D. Young and K. M. Meek,
Collagen and mature elastic fibre organisation as a function of depth in the human cornea and limbus.
Journal of Structural Biology. 169, 3, 424-430, 2010.
- B.D. Johnston, T.M. Scown, J. Moger, S. Cumberland, M. Baalousha, K. Linge, R.van Aerle,
K. Jarvis, J.R.Lead, and C.R. Tyler
Limited bioavailability of nanoscale metal oxides, TiO2, CeO2, and ZnO to fish
Environmental Science and Tecnology. 44, 3, 1144-1151. 2010.
- T. M. Scown, R. Goodhead, B. D. Johnston, J. Moger,
J. Lead, R. van Aerle, T. Iguchi, C. R. Tyler
Assessment of cultured fish hepatocytes for studying cellular uptake and (eco)toxicity of nanoparticles
Environmental Chemistry. 7, 1, 36-49. 2009.
- J.C. Mansfield, Y. Jing, D. Attenburrow, J. Moger, T. Uday, C. Zhanfeng, J. Urban, C. P. Winlove,
The elastin network and its relationship with collagen and cells in articular
cartilage visualised by multiphoton
Journal of Anatomy, 215, 682-691. 2009.
- N.L. Garrett, P. Vukusic, F. Ogrin, E. Sirotkin, C. P. Winlove, J. Moger
Spectroscopy on the wing: Naturally Inspired SERS Substrates for Bio-Chemical Analysis
Journal of Biophotonics, 2, 3, 157-166, 2009.
- J.C. Mansfield, J. Moger, S. J. Matcher, C. P. Winlove.
Collagen Fibre Arrangement in Normal and Diseased Cartilage studied by
Polarization Sensitive Non-Linear Microscopy
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13, 4, 2008.
- J. Moger, B. D. Johnston, C. Tyler.
Imaging metal oxide nanoparticles in biological structures with CARS microscopy
Optics Express, 16 (5), 3408-3419, 2008. PDF
- J. Moger, P. Gribbon, A. Sewing, C. P. Winlove.
Feasibility study using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the quantitative detection of Tyrosine and Serine Phosphorylation
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1770, 912�918, 2007. PDF
- J. Moger, P. Gribbon, A. Sewing, C. P. Winlove
Application of fluorescence lifetime readouts to High
Throughput screening - analysis of the lifetimes of
problematic compounds
Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 11 (7), 765-772, 2006
- J. Moger, S. J. Matcher, C. P. Winlove
The Effect of Multiple Scattering upon Velocity Profiles
Measured using Doppler OCT
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38 (15), 2597-2605,
- J. Moger, S. J. Matcher, C. P. Winlove.
Measuring red blood cell flow dynamics in a glass capillary
using Doppler OCT and Doppler amplitude OCT
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 9, 982-994, 2004.
Conference Proceedings
- C. Blake, J. Edmunds, L. Shelford, J. Moger, S.J. Matcher
Measurement of sinusoidal flow oscillations in a glass capillary tube using phase-resolved DOCT.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 6847, Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine XII, 2007.
- J. Moger, N.L. Cornes, P. Vukusic
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates based on
nanometre scale structures on butterfly wings
- J.C. Mansfield, J. Moger, S. J. Matcher, C. P. Winlove.
Second-harmonic and two-photon imaging and polarimetry of articular cartilage
- J. Moger, P. Gribbon, A. Sewing, C. P. Winlove
Feasibility of detecting peptide phosphorylation by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Proc. SPIE Vol. 6093, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy III: Advances in Research and Industry, 2006.
- J. Moger, S. J. Matcher, C. P. Winlove
The effect of multiple scattering upon velocity profiles measured using Doppler OCT
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4956, Coherence Domain Optical Methods and
Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine, 2005.
- J. Moger, S. J. Matcher, C. P. Winlove
Measuring blood flow dynamics using DOCT and Doppler
amplitude optical coherence tomography (DAOCT)
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5861, Coherence Domain Optical Methods and
Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine, 2003.
- J. Moger, S. J. Matcher
Development of a phase-resolved Doppler optical coherence
tomography system for use in cutaneous microcirculation
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4619, Coherence Domain Optical Methods in
Biomedical Science and Clinical Applications VI, 2002.